Cocks not Glocks: Carry Dildos to Class

In response to the Texas law allowing students to carry guns to class, University of Texas students have responded with a the Campus Dildo Carry where students bring (giant) dildos to class.  The Texas government passed a law in August, in response to school shootings, that allows teachers and students to carry guns to class: proving once again that Americans have completely failed to grasp this problem.

Students are NOT allowed to carry dildos to class because this is against the obscenity rules of the university -- which is truly perverse.  Texas even has laws on the books stating that it is illegal for anyone to be in possession of more than 5 dildos (because then they are obviously intent of selling them -- and not a big pervert -- and selling dildos in Texas is illegal??? WTF?)    So this is turning into a good "Sex and the Law" post because seriously, in the 'land of the free' you can't buy a dildo? But you CAN bring a gun to school??  So fucked up.

campus_dildo_carryThe NDA (National Dildo Association) supported this protest, stating that, "There are no "assault" dildos - just semi-automatic (battery powered) long dildos, which are technically vibrators, but the mainstream media loves to scare people by talking about "assault dildos." It's unamerican!"

It is also amazing to me to see all the gun-carrying-American-nutcases going crazy over this perceived slight as the whole protest and being allowed to bring dildos to class is somehow an attack on them.  Are they not pro-freedom no matter what form it takes? Apparently carrying a dildo is clearly crossing the line. When carrying a firearm that can kill people... just makes sense, right?

Oh, and only in America would 'Cocks not Glocks' actually gain traction. For the rest of the world, a Glock is a firearm manufacturer.